Double-Distribution Trend Day
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While this day is a trending day, it in no way has the confidence or conviction of a Trend Day.
Instead, this type of day is characterized by its indecisive nature at the session's outset.
During this type of day, the market will usually quietly open the session-quietly, trading within a fairly tight range for the first hour or two of the session, thereby creating a narrow initial balance.
The initial balance is traditionally defined as the price range of the first hour of the day.
If the initial balance is too narrow, the price will break free from the range and auction toward new value, creating range extension, which is any movement outside the initial balance.
After the initial balance of the Double-Distribution Trend Day has been defined, the price will break out from the range and auction toward new value, forming a second price distribution. This is the market's attempt to confirm whether a new value has been established.
Double-Distribution Trend Day opens the session quietly, trading within a tight range that can be viewed as the day's "warm-up" period. Eventually, the price breaks free of the range and begins trending toward new value, igniting initiative buying or selling.
Once the market finds new value, it builds another range before ending the day.
The ranges formed at the beginning and end of the day are where the term "double-distribution" comes from, as the bulk of the day's volume resides at one of these extremes, essentially forming a double distribution of trading activity.
The initial balance is the base for any day's trading and is extremely important to Double-Distribution Trend Day.
A narrow initial balance is easily broken, while a wide one is harder to break. The fact that the initial balance is narrow on this type of day indicates a good possibility of a breakout from the initial range, indicating that you will likely see a move toward a new value.
The narrow initial balance at the beginning of the Double-Distribution Trend Day indicates that either buyers or sellers will eventually overwhelm one side.
Once the direction is decided, the price will move toward a new area of value since initiative market participants drive it.